24 січня 2017 р.
Призи для переможців проекту
Будинок - резиденція Генерал Губернатора в Альберті стала місцем проведення церемонії нагородження переможців конкурсу проекту "Ми стали частиною Канади".
9 січня 2017 р.
В грудні 2016 визначили переможців художнього конкурсу проекту "Ми стали частинкою Канади". Всього надійшло близько 200 робіт, зокрема від 120 учнів з Альберти. Діти дуже цікаво і талановито зобразили відповіді на запитання про те, як жилося тим, хто залишив Україну в пошуках кращого життя в Канаді, а також, який внесок зробили українці в розбудову країни. Вийшло несамовито! Історія Канади в малюнках ;-)
Самі переконайтеся - талановиті діти!
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Winner, Grade 2 – 3 Category |
Ridna Shkola School,
I drew a picture of Ukrainians coming to Canada and a girl is building a house for Ukrainians.
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Winner, Grade 4 – 6 Category |
Jean Vanier Catholic School, Sherwood Park
The couple came to Canada from Ukraine. They brought their horse, wagon and cat. The path represents their journey from Ukraine. They have built their own house and have planted a garden. The sun is setting to show that they have worked long and hard all day. Even though they have moved to Canada, they still keep their Ukrainian identity and traditions such as their clothing and language.
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Iryna Vaydanych | Grade 1 | St. Sophia Catholic School, Lviv, Ukraine This is an owl that seems asleep. There is a child walking alone as her father is asleep. There is a hunter hunting a hawk for his collection. There is also a boy walking his favourite horse.
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Grade 3 |
St. Sophia Catholic School, Lviv, Ukraine
This picture shows the stork that carries Ukrainian families on its wings to Canada in search of a better life. They leave behind hometowns and villages, and they have only stars and the unknown ahead.
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Severyn Rybka | Grade 7 | Educational Complex “School-Gymnasium Saint Sophia”, Lviv, Ukraine Two World Wars made Ukrainians immigrate to Canada in search of a better life. They were optimistic because they believed in a better future in the unknown country. They were ready to face every difficulty on their way. Mostly, they settled in uninhabited lands and travelled across the Atlantic Ocean. Homesickness and nostalgia did not leave their hearts. They never forgot their native towns and villages. In their free time, they sang their folk songs and performed their traditional dances. |
Mariya Teneta & Olha Tsunder | Grade 10 | Educational Complex “School-Gymnasium Saint Sophia”, Lviv, Ukraine This picture is painted by my school friend and me. You can see two young girls and a bridge between them. For us, these two girls represent two countries – Ukraine and Canada, and this bridge is a symbol of our friendship which was tested by different hardships and ages. 1939 is marked in the history of Ukraine as a second wave of emigration of Ukrainian people to Canada. World War II and persecutions of Stalin’s regime forced Ukrainians to leave their native country in search of better lives. Do we have a better life today? Yes, we have become an independent state but the last three years we have been suffering from Russian occupation in the Eastern part of Ukraine. Russia has taken over Ukrainian Crimea and it has become a part of it. We are still fighting for the right to live free in our native land given to us by God. We are thankful to Canadian Ukrainians for their support and understanding. I hope the bridge built between our two countries will never be destroyed. When we are together, no one can overcome us. |
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